June 4th

Counting the stars brings dizzy and laughing
I like knitting and techno

I love being dizzy! I love spinning around like a kid until I fall over (preferably not on the roof of the boat) and I love rollercoasters as long as they are very fast and/or very twisty. Thing thing I want more than anything else in the world - the first thing I would buy if I ever won the lottery, would be a freefall parachute licence. That is without a doubt the most wonderful and awesome thing I have ever done - but I know I would spend all my time up there if I could.

Knitting - my way to de-stress as it takes up just enough of my mind to stop me going over and over things when they are bothering me. And have you seen the gorgeous yarns out there - my yarn stash is so much bigger and more strokeable than my scrapping stash.

Techno - Are you joking? Noise for the sake of noise. guess I must be getting old - he he :)


willowthewysp said...

You are either brave, or a nutter..no way, no way on earth would i even go up in a plane..let alone then jump out of it!!!!!

Scrappy~Sarah said...

Great journaling today :)...like my feet on the ground thanks :)

Mary B said...

That is a very brave ambition, not sure that I could do that.

Lynne said...

You brave you!! I hate anything I am not in control of!! Hate the dizzy feeling when you are whirled round and round!!
Strange how fifferent we all are :D

Barbara said...

Very brave. I hate roller coasters and feel sick just looking at them. I am the one holding the coats and bags!!
Great reading back through your blog. Love your journalling.