June 8th

Sweet dizzy girl you make me always smiling
I like gingerbread and tap dancing

When I'm tired or miserable this girl grins at me and tells me I have to smile otherwise she'll Do The Ballerina! Then she balances (usually badly) on her right leg whilst holding the other up behind her, with her right arm pointing forwards and a stupid grin on her face. It never fails to make me laugh.

And she really can't sulk. When she tries all we have to do is look at her and chant 'There's a smile under there' and she grins. She hates the fact that she does it but she grins and her sulk is gone. Long may it last!

Gingerbread - usually looks wonderful but is almost always disappointing when you get to eat it.
Tap dancing - uurrgghhhhh. Makes my skin crawl (even when it's not done by precocious little kids in too much make-up).


knitkath said...

So agree with the tap dancing and kids!

Scrappy~Sarah said...

beautiful pic! Love her glasses :)