June 7th

Higgledy Piggledy
Somedays when life is quite higgledy-piggledy then you are the only person who can help
I like cheese on toast and palates

My life is completely higgledy-piggledy at the moment. I suspect it will be for a while to come. I'm not a great homemaker and I hate schedules and routines so I'm pretty bad at imposing them on my family. It's allowed my girls to grow up as very individual people with strong personalities and a good sense of their own selves but it's terrible for the more mundane things like finding a enough teaspooons or a matching pair of socks on a Sunday!

I dream of having a beautiful ordered home like the ones you see on TV (or the ones I see working - I'm an estate agent in a reasonably posh area so almost all the houses I visit are like showhomes). However, my total disregard for any sort of conformity lead me to choose a boat as our home. Not only that but I insisted on one that had been sunk and needed restoration. Seemed like a great idea when I only had 2 preschool kids but now here we are with chaos on all sides and six lives going on inside our small half-finished home. Saying that - I don't really want to live anywhere else and when Him Indoors has suggested moving to a house I've found myself despondant at the mere thought of it. However, if anyone has a spare million or so to buy the barn conversion I was showing on Saturday....

Oh - and the guy in the doll. That'd be Him Indoors! Sometimes I feel we're not as close as we should be. I miss the times when we were just the two of us, talking and laughing. Now we hardly ever managed 'just the two of us' except at bedtimes. The most important time of my days at the moment are first thing in the morning when I can reach out to touch him as he still sleeps, and last thing at night when I can curl up againt him and relax because I'm realy, truly home.

Cheese on toast - yummy! Especially with sweet chilli sauce under the cheese.
Palates (pilates?) - palates have never really entered my consciousness in any way. Pilates seems like a good idea. Maybe I'll try it sometime.


knitkath said...

Oh no, a "show house" is not a home! Chaos is much better! Great journalling!

Scrappy~Sarah said...

Chaos here....great journaling