June 3rd

Momiji Dolls Week
Your chatting with me under the sky makes me always smiling
I like disco and thunderstorms

I never stop talking! Put me with friends or anyone that I feel comfortable with andI'll chat and chat for hours. And there is nothing better than catching up with and old friend that you've not seen for ages. This weekend I was lucky enough to be able to do just that - my Mum's wedding brought together friends and family that I see sp rarely - some that I've not sen for years and years. It was so good to meet up and catch up - I MUST make sure that we don't lose touch again.

Discos - well, I love dancing but I don't think the music I like dancing too would ever be called 'disco'.

Thunderstorms - adore them! I love to stand out and feel the power of them, the rain pounding on the skin of my up-turned face, the lightening flashing, the thunder rumbling around and the winds tugging at my clothes as I stand and enjoy the moment. One of my favourite memories is of being in a campsite in Switzerland in when three thunderstorms converged from different valleys and met at the lake. My Grandad wouldn't let me go outside to be with the storms but watching through the window of the caravan was almost as good :)


Mary B said...

Like how you have done the photo great idea
I love thunderstorms too they are so alive and electric (in more ways than one lol)

knitkath said...

Brilliant photo! Great journalling, agree about the beauty of thunderstorms!

Scrappy~Sarah said...

lol love the doll! Great journaling too :)

willowthewysp said...

This is FAB!!!
I LOVE what you have done with the doll!!!

Lynne said...

Clever photo today, well done!