July 7th


About five years ago I started to get hay fever. It's not good! Streaming eyes, sniffles and lots & lots of sneezes! The most irritating thing about it is that if I sneeze more than twice (which is pretty much guaranteed once I start) my Mum tells me that more than twice is just bragging. I know she's joking, but it really doesn't cheer me up at all. And she sounds so much like my Nan when she says it - the same sensitivity and love in her voice (not)!

Mum - if you ever read this - don't say it! It's more irritating than the sneezing.

The one good thing is - I don't seem to have it at all this year so I really can smell the roses for a change.


Lynne said...

That is good news and you will probably say the same thing to a DD in tears to come lol!!

knitkath said...

Glad you're not suffering this year!