July 6th


I'm am so sleepy right now - I always am by the end of the school term - so ready for an end to school runs, to fighting to get everyone up and ready in time at the beginning of each day and then fighting to get them in bed on time at the end of the day. So ready to stop worrying about homework timetables, afterschool clubs, washing and ironing uniforms, PE kits, karate gi, swimming kits, orchestra rehersals.

Roll on the quiet peaceful days of the long summer holidays, lazy days of fun and relaxation, not getting up 'til I'm actually ready to get up and not constantly watching the clock to make sure everything gets done on time. Time to bake and play, time to watch the flowers grow and the clouds roll past overhead. Time to recover and grow. Time to just be.


knitkath said...

Sounds like you need the holidays, I remember those days too well!

Mary B said...

That is wonderful journaling love your way with words perfect for today's prompt too

Lynne said...

How refreshing to meet a Mum who is looking forward to the hols and having their kids home with them, good on yer!
I loved the hols too and we had such fun daily without spending mega moiney either!

Barbara said...

Great journalling. I used to look forward to holidays too. No more after school activities etc.