July 21st

Libra - Scale or balance - Opal - Daisy

Balance - don't talk to me about balance!

Life without balance is a desperate and frustrating place, one that we probably all know intimately at times. Certainly one that I know too intimately at the moment. I have too much to do, too little time, too little money. Most of all, when I'm being honest I probably just have too many excuses and too little self-control. Or do I have too little help and too much on my plate. Some days I wish there was someone out there who had all the answers and could tell me exactly what to do to make everything easy and happy. Even when I know what some of the answers are it seems so impossible to make the changes that I need to make; I start off with great intentions then get distracted and go off at a tangent. Will I ever actually find a balance in my life?

I know I used to have balance but then I had children. Is it their chaos that makes me less centered? Will I return to being a calm and accepting person when they they are grown

I have a feeling that I won't know the answer until I'm well past this part of my life and I'm looking back wondering why I let it get to being like this. Or when I look back and realise that everyone has times like this (please tell me at least some of you do - is it really just me losing my head in this hectic world?).

The one thing I do know is that my kids are growing up well. I love them loads and they love me too. We're friends and makes everything worthwhile.


willowthewysp said...

Fantastic journalling today! I have no balance in my life either, so you are not alone! I long to know what it is like to havesome sort of balance..maybe oneday, i will!

knitkath said...

Life's balance is constantly changing, you just think you've got it right, and off it goes again! Fun!!! But you're not alone!

Mary B said...

Your journalling for today is brilliant. love the picture too very well balanced.
When life is hectic and there seems no balance just draw breath and enjoy. When the children have flown the nest and you have time on your hands you will probably look back and think I wish it was the way it was when they were at home.

Curly said...

What a pleasure to read that someone else can express how I feel!

Barbara said...

I had times like that too and I only had 3 children. It is just all go with each child having different activities and places to go. All trying to grow up as individuals. It's no wonder you feel out of kilter.
The balance is constantly changing as Kath said.