July 12th

Rock and Roll

Before you ask, no this isn't me in a past life. It's my eldest getting ready for my Mum's wedding earlier this year - the dress just seemed right for this prompt.

I remember my mum teaching me to jive when I was a kid. Loud Elvis music on the record player and just the two of us jiving on the living room carpet on a rainy Sunday afternoon. My mum comes alive when she dances, as if all the cares of the world just can't reach her anymore. She loved Elvis, had loads of his records, but I also remember plenty of Jerry Lee Lewis and a little bit of Green Onions thrown in for good measure. Watching her dance to Elvis at her wedding with the guy she first danced with all those years ago was great. So good to see two people so happy.


willowthewysp said...

What a beautiful photo...is that your parents?
Love your DD's dress too!

knitkath said...

What lovely memories!

Curly said...

Fantastic picture and lovely memories to share thanks Kyrs.

Mary B said...

Oh Krys this is so so lovely the memories and the photos beautiful.