July 11th


Classical music is astounding, awe-inspiring, uplifting, calming, rejeuvenating. It can also be tedious and irritating but I choose to ignore the pieces that make me feel like that.

There are so many people that just dismiss classical music out of hand - how can you possible say you don't like all classical music when there's such an amazing variety of it just waiting to creep into your heart and take up residence there. It's like saying you don't like landscapes.

Ok - so I'm biased.
I'm a classically-trained clarinet and piano player, although I don't play much now. If I knew how to get my piano into our boat I'd be a much happier person without a doubt. I so miss being able to sit down and just play, to let the tensions of the day disappear as the music takes over and fills my mind and soul with peace.
One day I'll have that again, til then there's always a concert somewhere close by.

And for those of you who aren't impressed just try listening to this. It's Tomás Luis de Victoria's Tenebrae factae sunt, argueable the most intense and evocative version of the Tenebrae repositories written. Close your eyes, sit back and and open your spirit to beauty.


Lynne said...

Krys I think you wrote that especially after my comment :(
I was made to learn the piano as a child and hated it so guedd this is part og my 'thing' with classical music. I really am not a music person but a dancer enjoying the music I used to dance too SORRY :(

knitkath said...

So with you here Krys, but it is each to their own, but first they should try! That clip is great! Yes, this is my kind of music!

willowthewysp said...

My music love is rock and heavy metal, punk and industrial. But i also enjoy classical music, there is a piece by ennio morriconi(sorry, not sure of spelling) which i adore. Also when classical and rick are mixed together, you can get amazing results!

Barbara said...

Love your photos for the last few days. Very clever. Enjoyed the music too. Thank you

Mary B said...

Sorry Krys I would love to be able to play the piano but not music like you put there that is a great no no with me but some classical music I really enjoy but it has to be invigorating like William Tell or 1812 or Beethoven's 5th but that piece to me is a dirge.
Your photo is great though

Shirley said...

Great to have caught up on your recent photos and journalling Krys. You always come up trumps on both. I really have enjoyed reading back. Love your 'Things that make me happy' list.

Curly said...

Kyrs this was a wonderful experience thankyou for opening my ears to it!

Steph said...

I love classical music - more the orchestral stuff than the singing. I love to paly in LOUD which I think most people don't get about classical stuff. I would love to play the piano.

Wouldn't a piano be too heavy for the boat?!