May 23rd

“Strive to be first: first to nod, first to smile, first to compliment, and first to forgive.”

I have tried so hard to teach my children this message. Having four quite close together in age means that, at times, they can get quite resentful of arguments, perceived unfairnessess and chores, done or undone. One of them has to be the first to re-build the bridges and often all it takes is a smile or a gentle word rather than more vitriolic snapping at each other. Unfortuntely I have learnt first hand the meaning of 'escalation' since I had children: the smallest things can get totally blown out of all proportion in such a short space of time. I try to lead by example and always make an effort to apologise to them if I get snappy or unreasonable (and boy do I do that at times!)

Every now and again I see little signs that the message is getting through a little. Little notes sometimes appear with sweet words for a sister (yes - I am trying to ignore the ones with harsh insults but those I tend to find hidden in the writer's books rather than kept in the recipient's pockets, so I'm hoping those are the ones that don't get delivered).

One of my greatest joys at the moment is a game my youngest two girls play in the car. They call it 'Sweet or Sour' - it involves waving madly at anyone they pass and seeing who is sweet enough to wave back. Did you know strangers seem to find it impossible to wave at little girls in cars without also grinning at them... :)


Mary B said...

What a lovely game that seems and that is a gorgeous photo of you

Lynne said...

What a great game! Must remember that for the grandchildren on a long journet :D
Now we know what you look like:)

Shirley said...

That game sounds like fun Krys, your children sound as if they have got their Mum's out look on life.
To have fun but to care at the same time.
This is a beautiful self portrait, such a lovely smile :-)

Scrappy~Sarah said...

remeber doing that from the back seat of the coach on dsy trips as a girl. great pic of you too