May 21st

"I feel the capacity to care is the thing which gives life its deepest significance"
Pablo Casals (1876-1973)
cellist, conductor

Caring does give life its deepest significance but also it's greatest wastes of time. I spend far too much time caring about the silly little things that I really should let go and about the things I can't change no matter how hard I try.
  • Should I care that someone might notice my toenails are past due for re-varnishing?

  • Should I care so much that DD1 doesn't ever seem to get off her adorable butt and do anything until it's overdue or I nag her into it out of worry? (I think only her starting to care will change that issue)

  • Should I care that my LOs are 'not good enough' for other people to see?

  • Should I care that my SIL doesn't approve of my way of life?

On the other hand I know that I really don't care about:
  • The other mum's at school seriously disapproving of DD4's penchant for mis-matched socks

  • Junior school homework not getting done because there are trees that desperately need to be climbed (they're 8 for heaven's sake - why do they need homework so young?)

  • being seen in Tescos covered in paint because I lost track of time but I still need to pick up milk and bread before the kids come home

Not caring about these things means that I'm better than I was a while ago, although I still have a way to go.

The serenity prayer (Reinhold Niebuhr) asks "Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; the wisdom to know the difference" - can I please add that the gods also grant me the wisdom to know what I should waste my time caring about, and when, beacuse my life is too full to manage it all, all of the time!


knitkath said...

Fantastic journalling, and your toe nails look ok to me! But if they didn't, would I care, no, I'd be there to see you, not them!

Scrappy~Sarah said...

I love that journalling, your nails look far far better than mine btw :)

Barbara said...

lovely journalling. I do like that prayer. In my younger days I used to care too much about what people thought. Now I am older and wiser I am not nearly so bothered.
I am sure your LO's are perfectly fine and your toe nails look OK to me.

Minty Magic said...

I love your take on the prompt. We are always so concious of such silly things aren't we and what other people think of us!!!

Mary B said...

I think if you like your LOs then they are good enough to share with us. If your SIL disapproves ask her why. When we point a finger of accusation or disapproval at anyone there are three fingers pointing back at us.
We are here to accept and appreciate each other so don't be afraid to share with us.

willowthewysp said...

Awesome awesome awesome journalling! A real pleasure to read:)
I agree with you on everything..esp. the home work...there is no need to give a young child home work, esp. when they have been at school all day! I never force my children to do homework, they do it if they feel they should do..and i will certainly back them up at school about this!

Shirley said...

Your journalling is so refreshing and inspirational, I am so glad that you have joined us 365'ers. I really do love your style and photography.
You are a lady after my own heart, someone who cares about the important things in life.... loving your family and liveing for the moment.
I look forward to visiting here for the rest of the year ;)

Lynne said...

Great personal thoughts well journalled! Love your toe nails, wish I painted mine but until I am slimmer it is too difficult:):)