May 22nd

“Open your heart - open it wide; someone is standing outside.”
Mary Engelbreit
artist, entrepreneur

When I read the prompt for this morning I thought maybe I'd write about the profound difference that my unconditional love for my daughters has made to my lfe, or maybe about how I need to learn to accept the love of those around me without doubt or questions.

Then I lived today and realised that something far more important was screaming to be let out of my heart today: I LOVE SHOES and I really really hope that if I open my heart wide enough more shoes will come in and let me cuddle them.
Maybe it's because my feet still don't look fat so I never mind dressing them up and looking at them.
Maybe it's because an elegant pair of shoes make me feel like a real lady rather than just a saggy, slightly haggard mum of four.
Maybe it's just the girlie in me showing through.

Whatever - to all the pretty shoes out there - my heart is wide open so please feel free to come inside and share my life.

On a totally different facet of this theme - a traffic warden let me off a parking ticket while I was shoe shopping today. We got back to the car almost 45 minutes after the ticket ran out. The guy was just taking photos of the car but we must have looked very apologetic as we smiled sweetly at him because he said, "Oh don't worry about it - just go."

So my second message for the day has to be: even traffic wardens can feel the love if you give them a chance.

Oh - and only the gold pair are mine. The others belong to DD2, DD3 and DD4.
DD2 is the same size as me now though so you never know where those pretty red sandles might end up....


Summer Sunflower said...

WOW Krys, love all those shoes, I only have sons, so no chance of 'borrowing' there's! Lucky you with the obliging traffic warden.
Great photo and journalling for today!

Scrappy~Sarah said...

love the shoes (doubt I could walk in them though)...won't be able to borrow from my boys though ds2 likes to borrow mine at the mo. Lucky break with the parking too!

Barbara said...

Great journalling. You have a gift with words. Love the shoes.

Shirley said...

Loving the shoes Krys and your journalling is wonderful to read :)

Mary B said...

Thats a scream I love it brightened my morning reading this.

Minty Magic said...

Krys I love this post - it really made me laugh thinking of you cuddling shoes!!! I hope you don't do it in public!!!

Lynne said...

Oh how fab are all those beautiful shoes ! what you don't know is I have a shoe fetish and known in the past to buy 2 of the same in different colours!! Unfortunately I am now into flat shoes but still like pretty coloured ones:)
How fortunate were you for purse and journalling today:)