Woody, Toy Story
When I was younger I believed I could do anything I wanted to do, be anything I wanted to be. Since then I've had times when I've been convinced that I will never be anything or achieve anything worthwhile. I guess life can do that to you sometimes...
On the days when I need a bit of help I do look to the sky. I talk to the moon almost every night and pass on my thanks for the good things of the day and ask for strength to cope with the harder things in life. I look up and wonder if my Nan and Grandad are watching over me and sending me their strength and wisdom - it often feels like they are.
The photo is of one of the four roof hatches in our boat. It's taking ages to get the boat re-fitted around our normal busy lives. Parbold was sunk when we bought her but she has a massive history and absolutely needed to be saved. A bit like us all really :)
I adore having those huge windows in the roof - they allow me to see the stars every night and bask in the warmth of the sun during the daytimes. Watching the rain fall and listening it to it dripping off the boat into the canal is a wonderful safe feeling. Well, it is now it doesn't leak in anymore. You can see where the panelling is only partly finished on the roof, but one day everything will be just perfect.