September 18th

"I have a dream
a song to sing
to help me cope
with anything
if you see the wonder
of a fairy tale
you can take the future
even if you fail
I believe in angels
something good in
everything I see
I believe in angels
when I know the time
is right for me
I'll cross the stream
I have a dream"

Seeing someone's dreams die as always a sad thing.

Seeing someone you love turn their back on thier own dreams through stubborn pride is truly heart-breaking.


Mary B said...

Oh Krys that is so sad, who is it that has turned their back on their dream?

Minty Magic said...

{{{{{Huggles}}}}} for you Krys xxx

Summer Sunflower said...

It seems that you are having a raw deal at the moment Krys. It may turn out for the better in the end, who knows, but they have to lead their own life's and make their own mistakes, even if it is so hard to watch!! (((((HUGS)))))

knitkath said...

Very sad to watch loved ones turn their back on dreams, but maybe it is no longer their dream, they have a new one! Huggles for you!

Shirley said...

Lots of {{{{{{huggles }}}}}} Krys. Hopefully everything will work to the good in the end.

Steph said...

Sorry you are having such a hard time at the moment Krys xxx