October 19th

"Tickled Pink"

Yes - even I laugh sometimes :D


Mary B said...

Oh what has amused you to make you laugh so much, did you splatter the biscuit all over the place? The joy on your face gave the joy back to me, made me laugh, made me think, made me want to express what I thought you would say if only the words would come. Tickled pink indeed at something so funny a wonderful photo to capture today. So to bring back to your memory that moment of fun, when life gets you down, and you are feeling glum just look at this photo and see what can be.

Shirley said...

I think Mary has said it all Krys you have certainly captured the moment :)

knitkath said...

What a great photo, you look so happy! I think all your sp's are great, they express you and how you feel!

Summer Sunflower said...

Great photo Krys, you are looking very happy!!