July 21st

Libra - Scale or balance - Opal - Daisy

This is our Virgo girl and today is her Leaver's Day assembly - she moves to secondary school in September. Not that she's worried about it as her two big sisters are already there to look out for her. Actually she doesn't seem to worry about much - or maybe she hides it very well. Of my four daughters this is the one I feel I know least well; she is still a bit of an enigma to me although she doesn't try to be in any way. She is gentle and kind and helpful to pretty much everyone (well, she usually is, although recently she's had a bad dose of year-six-itis: the arrogance that seems to affect most kids whilst they are the oldest year of their primary schools).

I often get the feeling that one day this girl will turn round and let us know that she's done something truly amazing without any of us knowing that it had even crossed her mind. She seems to quietly get on with things without ever seeing the difficulties that most of us see - she just takes things in her stride and moves through life with a smile and a reassuring hug to anyone that needs it.


Mary B said...

Lovely photo and such lovely words about your DD

knitkath said...

She sounds a very capable young lady, hope she achieves great things!