July 22nd

Scorpio - Scorpian - Chrysoberyl - Geranium

This is me!

I have had this necklace for a loooong time: my Nan bought it for me for my 21st birthday. Well, actually, my Nan sent me the money to buy it for my birthday because she wanted to get me some jewellery that I could keep and when I saw this in The Great Frog in Carnaby Street I fell in love with it. She hated it! However, I still wear it lots so the essence of her wish is definately in her present.

As to the charaturisitcs of my sign - out of these lists I'd say that social, brave and jealous miss the mark but the others are pretty much true for me. Actually I'm not sure about the hypnotic part either, but according to at least one close friend that's true at times too.

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