June 10th

“ 'Stay' is a charming word in a friend's vocabulary. ”
Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888), novelist

Stay is a word I miss. A friend that I can drop in on is something I miss. When my kids were pre-school there were other mums I could go visit when I was lonely. Now those people have moved away or got jobs as the kids have got older and things have drifted apart. I have a couple of people I could be close to but when they are home my kids are home and I'm running around like mad. Yes - I know I should make time to see people but it's just so hard. And so often when I need a friend to talk to I don't want to bother people or get in their way.

I love my family to bits but sometimes a little female company would be good to unwind with. I do miss that closeness that you get from female friends that really really know you.


Scrappy~Sarah said...

fab pic :)

knitkath said...

Love this pic! Your journalling was from the heart, and understandable!

Lynne said...

Sad journalling today, but I am sure those days will return when you have more time,
Love the photo!