May 20th

“Once you choose hope, anything's possible.”
Christopher Reeve (1952-2004), actor, producer, director, and writer
best known for his role as Superman.

Hope is a delicate, fragile thing, a pinprick of light in the darkness, a new seed sprouting in the deep empty soil. With hope comes the beginning of all possibilities. Nuture it, feed it, allow it to grow and it becomes stronger.

Nurture it enough and it becomes belief. Once belief is rooted deeply and allowed to reach towards the sun there is no doubt that one day it will blossom into beauty and produce the fruits that are your dreams. All that is left then is to harvest and enjoy.

PS - you'll have to wait to see the fruits of our growing hopes...


Mary B said...

Wonderful journaling that really stuck a cord with me.

Barbara said...

Great take on today's prompt. Hope you get some good courgettes/marrows. Wonderful journalling.

Shirley said...

Perfect photos and wonderful journalling, I hope you have a wonderful crop :)

willowthewysp said...

Your journalling today is wonderful! You have a fantastic outlook on life:)

knitkath said...

Great photo and journalling!

Lynne said...
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Summer Sunflower said...

Great journalling and photos. You are very talented with your hands or should I say fingers!!

Minty Magic said...

Lovely words - really makes sense of today's prompt.

Scrappy~Sarah said...

what a beautiful comparision! what great pics for the prompt