May 18th


For most of my childhood I was one: and only child of an only child.
Often alone but rarely lonely.
Now we are six: me, my love and our four girls. Six in a small space, so almost never alone. For over eleven years I had at least one pre-school child with me and I was absolutely never, ever alone. It's almost the end of the weekend and here that means constant noise, questions, needs, phones, friends and always my family around. It's wonderful but it's hectic.
Sometimes I welcome the time to just be one...


Barbara said...

Great picture. Can imagine it is hard to find any peace on your boat at times.

Scrappy~Sarah said...

lovely journalling and a great pic

knitkath said...

Great journalling and pic, enjoy your alone time, having had 4 of my own I recall the feelings!

Shirley said...

The photo is so right for the prompt and your journalling really does give a real slice of what your life is like now.

Mary B said...

Love that photo
yes your life must seem hectic after being an only child. now having 4 of your own.